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23/2 2023
Charlie Scott's
Skindergade 43 st
1159 København K
Tlf: 33 12 12 20
Yderligere information: Hjemmeside
GPS-info: Lat 55.6787, Lon 12.5733
Åbent: 14:00 til 0:00 Søn til Thors 14:00 till 02:00 Fre Lør.
Entré: Gratis

Charlie Scott's blev kåret til årets livejazz spillested i Danmark 2013 og er stedet hvor festlig, velswingende og dansabel jazz løber af stabelen. Musikken spilles fortrinsvis af unge musikere med stor kærlighed til oldschool swing, trad. jazz, blues, New Orleans funk og andre releaterede stilarter. Træd ind af døren og op af trappen og drik en kold øl imens dansegulvet varmes op, og bliv en del af en festlig jazzaften som man ikke finder andre steder i byen. Der er livemusik hver tirsdag (Chris Tanner Trio), fredag og lørdag hele året. Charlie Scotts præsenterer det bedste af ung dansk New Orleans + internationale gæster, streetparades, jamsession etc. Charlie Scott's er støttet af KBH Kommune og Statens Kunst Fond

Alle forestillinger

Trainman Blues (Duo) with Special Guest David Millmann
29 Mar, kl. 21-23.30

Trainman Blues (Duo) with Special Guest David Millmann

Join us for special evening at Charlie Scotts Bar with very special guest David Millmann. A dusty and atmospheric blues project, created by Irish singer/songwriter Richard Farrell, and the Danish producer / bassist Laust "Krudtmejer" Nielsen.
Lørdag den 29. marts 2025
Charlie Scott's
Join us for special evening at Charlie Scotts Bar with very special guest David Millmann. A dusty and atmospheric blues project, created by Irish singer/songwriter Richard Farrell, and the Danish producer / bassist Laust "Krudtmejer" Nielsen.
Bringing the fruits of blues, gospel and soul together, with modern productions techniques, Trainman Blues have received high praise and have gathered a dedicated fan base throughout Denmark, Europe and the US. Their debut album won best Blues Album at the 2018 Danish Music Awards. Their 2nd release, Shadows and Shapes, was released early in 2021. Received with tremendous reviews and yet again winning not only Best Blues Album at the DMA's, but also Best Live Band. Their latest live album, 'Live from the Station ' was released in spring 2022 and was nominated for best album at the DMA's 2022. All of their albums are available on vinyl and CD. They currently have new singles coming in the next few months, keep those ears peeled! They have released a string of new releases which include'Going Home', We Need Change' and 'No Shelter', with many more on the way!
Listen Here to their latest release:
Richard Farrell - Vocal & guitar
Laust Krudtmejer Nielsen - Bass
David Millmann - Slide Guitar/ Guitar
Words from the media
Soulbag Magazine (France)
"Richard Farrell, whose timbre and intonations evoke Sean Costello, asserts himself as a great soul singer"
"The production of bassist Laust Nielsen is a joy of simplicity, succeeding in reconciling tradition and modernity, classicism and innovation"
Rootstime (Belgium)
"This sequel album with its balanced mix of blues, soul and funk, will absolutely not disappoint anyone. It's a gem ".
BluesNews (Denmark
"With Live at the Station, Trainman Blues has once again delivered an extremely well-planned musical album spot shot with lots of goodies to enjoy, and you really want to experience a concert with Trainman Blues after hearing this fine live album"
Lørdag den 29. marts 2025, kl. 21-23.30.
Entré: 120 kr
Charlie Scott's, Skindergade 43 st, København K
Sabrina Brazzil: Tropical notes - Bossa, jazz and Samba
4 Apr, kl. 21-23

Sabrina Brazzil: Tropical notes - Bossa, jazz and Samba

Sabrina Brazzil: Tropical Notes - Bossa, Jazz & Samba. Friday, April 4, 2025. Charlie Scott's - Copenhagen. 21:00 - 23:00. 150.00. Come and experience the vibrant energy of Brazilian music in a special night at Charlie Scott's! *.
Fredag den 4. april 2025
Charlie Scott's
Sabrina Brazzil: Tropical Notes - Bossa, Jazz & Samba. Friday, April 4, 2025. Charlie Scott's - Copenhagen. 21:00 - 23:00. 150.00. Come and experience the vibrant energy of Brazilian music in a special night at Charlie Scott's! *.
I proudly present Tropical Notes, a show where I blend the smoothness of Bossa Nova, the sophistication of Jazz, and the infectious rhythm of Samba. Joining me on stage are incredible musicians who will bring even more brilliance to the night:

Christian K. Larsen
Marco Spallazanni

Get ready for a musical journey filled with passion, rhythm, and tropical warmth. Let's celebrate this fusion of sounds that connects hearts and cultures!
Reserve your spot and don't miss this unique musical experience!
#SabrinaBrazzil #TropicalNotes #BossaNova #Brasilianmusic
Fredag den 4. april 2025, kl. 21-23.
Entré: 150 kr
Charlie Scott's, Skindergade 43 st, København K
Babylove & the van Dangos - CPH Jazz Festival Special
9 Jul, kl. 20-22

Babylove & the van Dangos - CPH Jazz Festival Special

Selvom det er Copenhagen JAZZ festival, skal du ikke snydes for noget god gedigen oldschool jamaicansk ska, soul og reggae, når Babylove & the van Dangos står på scenen til close up intimkoncert på et af byens hyggeligste musikbarer, Charlie Scott's Bar.
Onsdag den 9. juli 2025
Charlie Scott's
Selvom det er Copenhagen JAZZ festival, skal du ikke snydes for noget god gedigen oldschool jamaicansk ska, soul og reggae, når Babylove & the van Dangos står på scenen til close up intimkoncert på et af byens hyggeligste musikbarer, Charlie Scott's Bar.
What is not to like?

Johan Bylling Lang (ts)
Bjarke Nikolajsen (tp)
Daniel Broman (vcl,perc)
Jakob Thomhav (g)
Jonathan Rahbæk (b)
Mikkel Szlavik (dr)
Onsdag den 9. juli 2025, kl. 20-22.
Entré: 100 kr
Charlie Scott's, Skindergade 43 st, København K