Tight vocal harmonies, hot solos, and in-the-pocket grooves best describe the music of the Bashed Potatoes. While bluegrass and acoustic music is still an insider tip in Germany, the Bashed Potatoes band is taking this music front and center stage.
Just a microphone and five musicians - let the fireworks begin.Joon Laukamp, Paul Lindenauer, Philipp Keck, Steffen Thede, and Pierce Black are each individual masters of their instruments. However they come from diverse backgrounds other than bluegrass: jazz, folk, rock, classic and baroque music, and two were originally at home in the USA and New Zealand. But it was their common love for the acoustic music traditions of the American south and their contemporary interpretations that brought them together in 2015 at the Cologne Bluegrass Bash jam session in Manni's Rästorang in Cologne. Familiarity bred contentment, and in 2021 a band was born.Each performance by the Bashed Potatoes is packed full of the cosmopolitan story that makes up bluegrass music, a true melting pot of elements which originated in European and Afro-American folk music. Their programs include traditional songs filled with spirituality, Newgrass songs on contemporary themes as well as hard-driving instrumentals, and original compositions. Roots Aarhus ser frem til at præsentere denne intimkoncert for jer i de hyggelige omgivelser på Teater Refleksion.Hvis du har været til koncert hos Roots Aarhus før, ved du at Refleksions stemningsfulde lokaler i Frederiksgade tilføjer musikken en ekstra dimension af intimitet og nærvær. Koncerten med er oplagt at afholde netop her, da vi forventer at aftenen bliver intens og smuk. Stært begrænset antal pladser, så køb billetten i god tid.Koncerten afholdes på Teater Refleksion: Frederiksgade 72b, 1sal. Aarhus C, 8000 DanmarkI døren tager vi kun imod MobilePay.Billetter kan købes i døren. Hold dog øje med udsolgt her på siden.Der kan købes øl, vin og vand til koncerten.Tilgængelighed: hvis du er dårligt gående eller i kørestol, findes der en lift i gården. Skriv til os, så hjælper vi med adgang på dagen
Saturday 29 March 2025, 3.30 pm - 5 pm.
Entré: 50-150 kr
Teater Refleksion, Jyllandsgaarden, Frederiksgade 72B, 1, Aarhus C