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13/3 2023
Ukraine House in Denmark
Gammel Dok, Strandgade 27B
DK-1401 København K
Zusätzliche Information: Homepage
GPS-info: Lat 55.6758, Lon 12.5911

Alle forestillinger

Film Friday:
14 Mar, 17-20

Film Friday: "Nice ladies"

Join us for a screening of Nice Ladies, a heartwarming documentary about a group of women in Kharkiv who defy age stereotypes through their passion for cheerleading.
Freitag 14. März 2025
Ukraine House in Denmark
Join us for a screening of Nice Ladies, a heartwarming documentary about a group of women in Kharkiv who defy age stereotypes through their passion for cheerleading.
Ranging from 38 to 73 years old, these women-from all walks of life-train tirelessly to compete in the European Cheerleading Championship.
More than a sport, cheerleading becomes their escape, their empowerment, and their fight against societal expectations. Witness their inspiring journey of resilience, friendship, and determination
Freitag 14. März 2025, 17-20.
Ukraine House in Denmark, Gammel Dok, Strandgade 27B, København K
Book club: Olena Afanasieva on Polina Raiko. Guided Tour
15 Mar, 15.30-17.30

Book club: Olena Afanasieva on Polina Raiko. Guided Tour

Join our "Coffee with Malanchuk" book club, dedicated to the art of Polina Raiko. As part of the "House of Light: Tribute to Polina Raiko" exhibition, we will have an online meeting with curator, researcher, and author Olena Afanasieva.
Samstag 15. März 2025
Ukraine House in Denmark
Join our "Coffee with Malanchuk" book club, dedicated to the art of Polina Raiko. As part of the "House of Light: Tribute to Polina Raiko" exhibition, we will have an online meeting with curator, researcher, and author Olena Afanasieva.
She will present her new book "Polina Raiko: The Invisible", which features new research, augmented reality elements, and an archive of photographs of Raiko's house taken over the years. Olena will share insights into the hidden meanings in Raiko's art and the profound ability of creativity to transform pain and loss into beauty.
After the book club you are welcome to join a guided tour of two current Ukraine House exhibitions with UHD curator Katya Stukalova
Samstag 15. März 2025, 15.30-17.30.
Ukraine House in Denmark, Gammel Dok, Strandgade 27B, København K
Film Friday:
21 Mar, 18-20

Film Friday: "Nice ladies"

Join us for a screening of Nice Ladies, a heartwarming documentary about a group of women in Kharkiv who defy age stereotypes through their passion for cheerleading.
Freitag 21. März 2025
Ukraine House in Denmark
Join us for a screening of Nice Ladies, a heartwarming documentary about a group of women in Kharkiv who defy age stereotypes through their passion for cheerleading.
Ranging from 38 to 73 years old, these women-from all walks of life-train tirelessly to compete in the European Cheerleading Championship.
More than a sport, cheerleading becomes their escape, their empowerment, and their fight against societal expectations. Witness their inspiring journey of resilience, friendship, and determination
Freitag 21. März 2025, 18-20.
Ukraine House in Denmark, Gammel Dok, Strandgade 27B, København K
Film Friday
28 Mar, 17-20

Film Friday "Nukemailing"

How real is the threat of nuclear blackmail? This timely documentary explores Russia's use of nuclear intimidation, from the occupation of Chernobyl and Zaporizhzhia to Cold War-style rhetoric.
Freitag 28. März 2025
Ukraine House in Denmark
How real is the threat of nuclear blackmail? This timely documentary explores Russia's use of nuclear intimidation, from the occupation of Chernobyl and Zaporizhzhia to Cold War-style rhetoric.
Nukemailing examines the geopolitical risks, the motives behind these provocations, and what must be done to prevent future nuclear crises
Freitag 28. März 2025, 17-20.
Ukraine House in Denmark, Gammel Dok, Strandgade 27B, København K
Women's Empowerment Summit 2025 | Networking | Career Club DK
29 Mar, 11-16.30

Women's Empowerment Summit 2025 | Networking | Career Club DK

This March, we're celebrating the incredible potential of women, bringing together dynamic talks, workshops, and many networking opportunities. Event Details: Date: 29 March 2025 Time: 11:00 - 16:30 Location: Ukraine House.
Samstag 29. März 2025
Ukraine House in Denmark
This March, we're celebrating the incredible potential of women, bringing together dynamic talks, workshops, and many networking opportunities. Event Details: Date: 29 March 2025 Time: 11:00 - 16:30 Location: Ukraine House.
Price: Free for all AssociatesEarly Birds: 158kr (until 08/02)Full Price: 250kr

This year's summit will be packed with:
* Personal Empowerment & Professional Growth: Two stages, one focused on personal empowerment and the other on professional development.
* Women-Led Businesses: We're proud to introduce our Female Entrepreneur Zone, where women-led businesses will showcase their incredible work and ideas. It's an opportunity to connect, support, and empower one another!
* Networking Opportunities: Specially designed networking activities to help you connect, share, and grow together.As always, our mission is to inspire and empower YOU. We believe that every woman's journey is unique and remarkable. Whether you're looking to grow personally, professionally, or connect with like-minded individuals, this summit is for you!

Mark your calendars and get ready for an inspiring day at the third edition of the Women's Empowerment Summit 2025!
Looking forward to seeing you there!

Career Club DK organizes monthly networking and educational events, along with quarterly webinars to support professional and personal growth
Samstag 29. März 2025, 11-16.30.
Ukraine House in Denmark, Gammel Dok, Strandgade 27B, København K
Musical dialogues Ukraine-Denmark
30 Mar, 16-17.30

Musical dialogues Ukraine-Denmark

Classical contemporary concerts in Ukraine House Denmark in collaboration with Nielsen Saloner. Sunday, March 30th. Christine Bernsted, violin & Elisabeth Nielsen, piano.
Sonntag 30. März 2025
Ukraine House in Denmark
Classical contemporary concerts in Ukraine House Denmark in collaboration with Nielsen Saloner. Sunday, March 30th. Christine Bernsted, violin & Elisabeth Nielsen, piano.
This musical event marks the strong bond between our countries, featuring works for violin and piano by composers from Ukraine and Scandinavia: Yevhen Stankovych, Valentyn Sylvestrov, Myroslav Skoryk as well as Edvard Grieg, Carl Nielsen and Jacob Gade.

The duo consists of two internationally recognized young musicians, violinist Christine Bernsted and pianist Elisabeth Nielsen. Both have graduated as soloists from recognized music academies and are award-winners with international touring businesses and several critically acclaimed albums and music video releases on the CV. Together, they have performed in front of the King Frederik X of Denmark as well as members of the Danish parliament and international representatives. Their musical collaboration has also revolved around representing strong contemporary voices within classical music, which is why they recorded a music video with the music of the contemporary Ukrainian composer Yevhen Stankovych, featured in The Strad magazine. Future engagements include several concerts in prominent chamber music associations around Scandinavia.


CHRISTINE BERNSTEDDanish born Christine Bernsted is an internationally acclaimed classical violinist. First Prizes in many international violin competitions, such as Melbourne, Treviso and a tripple winner (2nd prize & two special prizes) in Miecyzlaw Wajnberg in Poland, Christine Bernsted has been hailed for her flawless technique, impressive range of colours and warm tone. In her native Denmark, she is a recipient of the Léonie Sonning, Carl Nielsen & Anne-Marie Carl Nielsen and Rødovre Talent Prize as well as P2 Album of the Year Award.CHRISTINE PROMO VIDEO:

Danish-Ukrainian pianist Elisabeth Nielsen has been recognized as the "Young Artist Elite" by The Danish Arts Foundation for her brilliant pianistic abilities, communication with her audiences and vision to combine different art forms. She is a prizewinner at several international piano competitions in The Netherlands, Italy, Austria, Sweden and Denmark and has performed with orchestras in concert halls all over Europe. Elisabeth is also the executive producer of a music documentary about Ukrainian composer Victoria Vita Poleva, which premiered in 2024.


Klassiske samtidskoncerter i Ukraine House Danmark
i samarbejde med Nielsen Saloner

Søndag den 30. marts
Christine Bernsted, violin & Elisabeth Nielsen, klaver.
Denne musikalske begivenhed markerer det stærke bånd mellem vores lande med værker for violin og klaver af komponister fra Ukraine og Skandinavien: Yevhen Stankovych, Valentyn Sylvestrov, Myroslav Skoryk samt Edvard Grieg, Carl Nielsen og Jacob Gade.

Duoen består af to internationalt anerkendte unge musikere, violinist Christine Bernsted og pianist Elisabeth Nielsen. Begge er uddannet som solister fra anerkendte musikkonservatorier og prisvindere med internationale turnévirksomheder samt flere anmelderroste albums og musikvideoudgivelser på CV'et. Sammen har de optrådt foran Kong Frederik X af Danmark, medlemmer af Folketinget og internationale repræsentanter. Da duoen i deres musikalske samarbejde har fokus på at repræsentere stærke nutidige stemmer inden for den klassiske musik, indspillede de en musikvideo med et værk af ukrainske Yevhen Stankovych, omtalt i magasinet The Strad. Fremtidige engagementer omfatter koncerter i flere fremtrædende kammermusikforeninger i Skandinavien.


Danskfødte Christine Bernsted er en internationalt anerkendt klassisk violinist. Med førstepræmier i mange internationale violinkonkurrencer, såsom Melbourne, Treviso og en tredobbelt vinder (2. præmie og to specialpriser) i Miecyzlaw Wajnberg i Polen, er Christine Bernsted blevet hyldet for sin fejlfri teknik, varme tone og imponerende klangfarver. I sit hjemland Danmark er hun modtager af Léonie Sonnings talentpris, Carl Nielsen & Anne-Marie Carl Nielsen's legat, Rødovre Musikpris samt Årets P2 Album.


Dansk-ukrainske pianist Elisabeth Nielsen er blevet anerkendt som "Den Unge Kunstneriske Elite" af Statens Kunstfond for sine strålende pianistiske evner, kommunikation med publikum og visionen om at kombinere forskellige kunstformer. Hun er prisvinder ved flere internationale klaverkonkurrencer i Holland, Italien, Østrig, Sverige og Danmark og har optrådt med orkestre i koncertsale over hele Europa. Elisabeth er også initiativtager og hovedproducent på en musikdokumentar om den ukrainske komponist Victoria Vita Poleva, som havde
Sonntag 30. März 2025, 16-17.30.
Entré: 150 kr
Ukraine House in Denmark, Gammel Dok, Strandgade 27B, København K
Pysanka workshop
30 Mar, 17.30-19

Pysanka workshop

We had such a wonderful time with you all last year that we're bringing the Pysanka Workshop back!
Sonntag 30. März 2025
Ukraine House in Denmark
We had such a wonderful time with you all last year that we're bringing the Pysanka Workshop back!
Join us for a meditative and creative evening of traditional Ukrainian egg decorating, where you'll learn to transform a simple egg into a vibrant masterpiece using wax and dyes. No prior experience is needed-just bring your creativity!
Ticket price: 150 kr (limited seats available) Includes: Art supplies & a glass of wine Language: English
Don't miss this unique experience-reserve your spot today!
Sonntag 30. März 2025, 17.30-19.
Entré: 150 kr
Ukraine House in Denmark, Gammel Dok, Strandgade 27B, København K