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26/8 2024
Natha Yogacenter
Nordre Fasanvej 230
DK-2200 København N
Tel.: +45 3393 0668
TripAdvisor Traveler Rating
10 Bewertungen
Nr. 26 von 84 Spas & Wellness in Kopenhagen
Zusätzliche Information: Homepage
Öffnungszeit: 16-22

Our mission is to make high-quality spiritual knowledge & training available for anyone who aspires to transform =96 physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. We offer university-style courses in Yoga, Tantra, and Meditation, as well as workshops & retreats on related topics. We believe these spiritual traditions provide the most efficient tools for modern men & women to transform themselves, realize their true potential, and fulfill their highest aspirations

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Esoterisk Integral Yoga Kursus
14 Mar, 17:00-19:00

Esoterisk Integral Yoga Kursus

Yoga, der går ud over den fysiske krop.
Dienstag 24. September 2024 bis Dienstag 18. März 2025
Natha Yogacenter
Yoga, der går ud over den fysiske krop.
Korrekt praktiseret er yoga meget mere end simpel fysisk træning. Yoga hjælper os med at udvikle mentale, følelsesmæssige, psykologiske og spirituelle kvaliteter og transformerer os på flere måder, end øjnene kan se.

Yoga giver os mulighed for at få adgang til og mestre vores indre ressourcer - såsom energi, mentalt fokus og kreativitet.

Ved at dyrke yoga lærer vi at dyrke og bevidst styre disse indre ressourcer, og opnå evnen til at transformere os selv og vores liv i den retning vi vælger.

De værktøjer og teknikker, der præsenteres i dette kursus, hjælper os til bedre at forstå os selv, udvikle total selvbeherskelse og nå vores højeste mål og aspirationer.

Transformation gennem yoga

Formålet med dette kursus er at tilbyde de mest effektive teknikker og viden fra ægte YOGA-systemer, for at hjælpe hver enkelt af os med at accelerere vores spirituelle udvikling og evolution.

Yoga betyder blandt andet bevidst accelereret evolution. Gennem systematisk praksis hjælper yoga os med at opdage og vække de potentielle kvaliteter, der ligger dybt i hver enkelt af os - såsom intelligens, viljestyrke, medfølelse og vitalitet - og transformere os på måder, som vi kun kunne drømme om før.

Yoga kan også defineres som evner og intelligens i handling - ved at bruge vores indre ressourcer med beherskelse og effektivitet. Vi kan for eksempel energisere og forstærke vores mentale fokus & kreativitet - og så bruge dem til at opnå vores højeste aspirationer.

De forskellige teknikker, der præsenteres i dette kursus, er meget enkle og kan praktiseres af alle. Med vedvarende praksis skaber de virkelig livsforandrende resultater.

Loven om resonans: Moderne videnskab og ældgammel tradition

Grundlaget for Esoterisk Integral Yoga, og enhver autentisk yogatradition, er Resonansloven - som tager udgangspunkt i den grundlæggende idé om at alt i manifestation er lavet af vibration.

I den videnskabelige verden finder vi resonansloven studeret og anvendt i fysik og musik, vedrørende fysiske fænomener.

Det er denne lov, der tillader overførsel af radiobølger fra en radiostation til en modtagende antenne gennem en specifik indstilling af deres vibrationsfrekvens.

Yoga afslører, at loven om resonans også kan anvendes i relation til mere subtile energiformer, såsom tanker og følelser.

Forskellige holdninger, tilstande og kvaliteter er kendetegnet ved forskellige vibrationsfrekvenser. Gennem yoga kan vi lære at 'tune' ind og resonere med dem - ved at bruge vores krop og opmærksomhed - for (for eksempel) at øge vores intelligens, eller vores evne til helbredelse og glæde.

Ud over dette tjener kurset som en ægte bro mellem ældgammel spiritualitet og moderne videnskab. Det store og dybtgående pensum refererer til forskning og undersøgelser indenfor områderne biologi, anatomi, psykologi, neurovidenskab og fysik (mekanik, elektromagnetik, kvantefysik) - og forbinder dem med den tilsvarende lære fra de gamle traditioner.

Erkendelse gennem direkte erfaring

På dette yogakursus finder du hver teknik og dens virkninger grundigt forklaret af en erfaren yogalærer, og understøttet af skriftlige kurser.

Vi dyrker yoga på en unik måde, hvor vi befinder os i hver asana i en længere periode med et specifikt indre fokus og attitude.

Hver teknik efterfølges af en opmærksomhedsfase med krystallisering af effekterne i en kontinuerlig tilstand af guidet indre opmærksomhed.

På denne måde kan alle aspekter præsenteret i teorien - Chakraer, Nadier, Prana, energistrømme osv. - personligt udforskes og verificeres af hver og en af os gennem vores egen praksis, direkte erfaring og personlige transformation over tid .

Vores lærere vil guide dig til at udføre hver teknik korrekt, så du selv kan opleve effekterne!


På det første år er undervisningen 2 timer bestående af ca. 75-90 minutters træning, og ca. 30-45 minutter teori.

Der er 46-48 klasser på et år - en klasse om ugen.

Undervisningen holder pause i august og genoptages i september hvert år.

Yogakurset følger et universitetslignende pensum med en progressiv læringsstruktur, hvor praksis & teori hver uge bygger på sidste uges kursus.

Alle er velkomne, uanset tidligere erfaring og fysisk form.

Selvom du har dyrket yoga før, vil du finde en helt ny dybde af praksis og viden, fra og med 1. år af kurset!

Læs mere og tilmeld dig her:


Ugentlig klasse på dansk: mandage 19.35 - 21.35 med Andrea

Ugentlig klasse på engelsk: tirsdage 17.00 - 19.00 med Jon

Kurset starter d. 24/9. Tilmelding er mulig frem til marts 2025 - vi anbefaler at starte så tidligt i forløbet som muligt
Dienstag 24. September 2024 bis Dienstag 18. März 2025, 17:00-19:00.
Entré: 449 kr/mdr (rabatter tilgængelige)
Natha Yogacenter, Nordre Fasanvej 230, København N
Esoterisk Tantra Yoga Kursus
14 Mar, 17:00-19:30

Esoterisk Tantra Yoga Kursus

Lev fuldt og bevidst - med et hjerte fuld af kærlighed.
Mittwoch 25. September 2024 bis Mittwoch 19. März 2025
Natha Yogacenter
Lev fuldt og bevidst - med et hjerte fuld af kærlighed.
Tantra er en spirituel vej til at opdage os selv, vores inderste natur og universets grundlæggende mysterier. Ethvert aspekt af livet leves fuldt ud og med øget bevidsthed - lige så passioneret som en elsker, så sandhedssøgende og objektiv som en videnskabsmand, så legende og ren som et barn, så modig som en helt og så hellig som en ægte mystiker.

I modsætning til de fleste andre spirituelle veje, der betragter det 'verdslige liv' (arbejde, relationer og sanselige nydelser) som en hindring for den hengivne søgende, omfavner Tantra alle indre og ydre oplevelser som redskaber til udvidelse af vores bevidsthed.

Tantra er kendt som en vej til at leve frigjort af, men alligevel fuldt engageret i verden, og er egnet til dem, der ønsker at bruge enhver livssituation som en mulighed for vækst.

Den tantriske udøver søger at møde alle livets oplevelser med et åbent hjerte og fuld bevidsthed, og arbejder for at overvinde alle indre blokeringer og begrænsninger.

Bevidsthed, nydelse og frigørelse

Tantra er en ældgammel spirituel måde at leve på - et system af personlig og spirituel udvikling, hvor alle vores energier og begær transformeres og rettes mod vores højeste spirituelle aspirationer.

Det er en vej til at realisere Sandheden ved at lære af alle livserfaringer. Den fornægter ikke noget som helst aspekt af livet, men finder i stedet de spirituelle lektier & mening i alt.

Tantras vej fører os til at omfavne hele livet i dyb åbenhed og bevidsthed. For altid at blive i 'her og nu', uanset hvad der sker og hvordan det sker.

Det er en aktiv beundring af livet og naturen, hvor intet aspekt ignoreres: indre eller ydre, det højere eller det lavere, glæde eller sorg, latter eller gråd, afstand eller intimitet, tillid eller tvivl, skygge eller lys, energi eller bevidsthed.

Det er en vej, hvor vi sigter mod at være fuldt bevidste midt i selv de mest intense tilstande og livserfaringer. Uanset om vi står over for lykke, harmoni og intens nydelse eller frustration, nød og tristhed - Tantra lærer os fuldt ud at nyde enhver oplevelse, fuldstændig bevidst og frigjort.

Tantra er ikke en filosofi, men en måde at leve på, der omfatter alt. Måden vi går på, måden vi taler på, måden vi spiser på, måden vi trækker vejret på, måden vi sover på, måden vi reagerer på og måden vi elsker og er i elskov på. Gennem Tantras vej indser vi, at alt er forbundet. Og at vi er forbundet med alt.


Det første år er undervisningen 2,5 timer bestående af 90 minutters praksis og 60 minutters teori per klasse.

Der er 46-48 klasser på et år - en klasse om ugen.

Undervisningen holder pause i august og genoptages i september hvert år.

Tantrakurset følger et universitetslignende pensum med en progressiv læringsstruktur, hvor praksis & teori hver uge bygger på sidste uges kursus.

Læs mere og tilmeld dig her:


Ugentlig klasse på engelsk: mandage 17.00 - 19.30 med Ameline & Tim

Ugentlig klasse på dansk: onsdage 17.00 - 19.30 med Kamilla & Emanuel

Kurset starter d. 25/9. Tilmelding er mulig frem til marts 2025 - vi anbefaler at starte så tidligt i forløbet som muligt
Mittwoch 25. September 2024 bis Mittwoch 19. März 2025, 17:00-19:30.
Entré: 599 kr/mdr (rabatter tilgængelige)
Natha Yogacenter, Nordre Fasanvej 230, København N
Open House - yoga, tantra and meditation
16 Mar, 09:30-15:30

Open House - yoga, tantra and meditation

Come discover and explore NATHA at our Open House!
Sonntag 16. März 2025
Natha Yogacenter
Come discover and explore NATHA at our Open House!
Open House is a free event for anyone who wants to meet us and get a taste of our courses, events, and community!

Our Open House event offers an introduction to the fundamental goals and principles that all our courses are built upon, such as the law of resonance and subtle anatomy. All our courses are built on authentic ancient yogic and tantric teachings, correlated also with modern scientific discoveries.

Open House includes a Hatha Yoga practice where you will have the opportunity to experience our unique approach to yoga - with the esoteric elements taught in the Yoga & Tantra courses.

We will enjoy a vegan lunch together, and have a relaxed time to talk, ask questions and share experiences. You will have the opportunity to meet NATHA students that come to our classes, teachers & people with the same aspirations and search as you.

Bring an open heart and spirit, and relaxed clothes that you can move in!

9.30-10.00 Doors open
10.00-10.30 Welcome to Open House!
10.30-10.45 Small break
10.45-12.15 Presentation + yoga practice: What is traditional yoga? - with Andrea & Jon
12.15-13.15 Lunch break
13.15-14.15 Lecture + exercises: Tantric Solutions for a Stress-Free Life - with Ameline & Timothy
14.15-14.30 Small break
14.30-15.30 Workshop: Awakening of the Heart - with Kamilla, Steliana & Emanuel

Sign up here:
Sonntag 16. März 2025, 09:30-15:30.
Fri entré
Natha Yogacenter, Nordre Fasanvej 230, København N
Drop-In Yoga at Natha
24 Mar, 17:00-18:00

Drop-In Yoga at Natha

Transform Your Body, Improve Your Health, Explore Your Inner World! First class FREE!
Montag 24. März 2025
Natha Yogacenter
Transform Your Body, Improve Your Health, Explore Your Inner World! First class FREE!
Welcome to NATHA: Your Sanctuary for Daily Yoga in Copenhagen

Join us for our daily drop-in yoga classes, providing a harmonious blend of physical flexibility and self-awareness.

In our daily drop-in yoga classes, you will discover that yoga is much more than just a physical practice:

- Harmonize your body
Experience enhanced physical well-being. Our classes are designed to build strength and flexibility, helping you achieve better posture, balance, and overall health.

- Focus your mind
Our sessions are tailored to help you manage stress, increase focus, and cultivate a serene mindset amidst the hustle of daily life.

- Feel more energized
One hour of Hatha Yoga can help you release great amounts of stress, and amplify inner fire and vitality.

- Find peace and silence
Yoga is more than physical exercise, it is a practice that engages the body, the consciousness and the soul. When the three are aligned, a profound state of peace appears in our being.

- Feel more fulfilled and open your heart
Real fulfillment comes when we are at peace with who we are. Having this quality time with ourselves will bring enormous satisfaction after each yoga practice!

- And go deeper into yourself!

About the Classes

Experienced yoga teachers are ready to welcome and guide you through each session:

You don't need to be an experienced yoga practitioner, to have great flexibility skills or a certain body type. Hatha Yoga is for everyone and our teachers will guide you to succeed during the practice.

Each class includes a practice session of 60 minutes and consists of 3 phases:

1. Awareness & warm-up exercises
The practice begins with an initial phase of awareness and warming up - to stretch the muscles, increase flexibility, and gently prepare (physically, energetically, and mentally) to perform the various postures of ASANAS successfully.

2. The main yoga practice
Practice will include different asanas (yoga postures), Here we gradually learn to perceive the specific physical, energetic, mental/emotional and spiritual effects of each asana.

3. The complete yogic relaxation
The complete yogic relaxation is an active, conscious relaxation of the entire being. It crystallizes the results of the practice, creating long-lasting effects we can perceive even in daily life.

Weekly Program

Monday 17:00 - 18.00

Tuesday 19:00 - 20:00

Wednesday 17:00 - 18.00

Thursday 17:00 - 18.00

Friday 17:00 - 18.00

Saturday 10:30 - 11:30


Trial class - first class for FREE

One session 115 kr

Monthly pass 449 kr (access to all classes for 1 mth)
Montag 24. März 2025, 17:00-18:00.
Entré: 0-115 kr
Natha Yogacenter, Nordre Fasanvej 230, København N
Tantra for Women Course
24 Mar, 19:35-21:35

Tantra for Women Course

Discover the Tantric Art of being a happy, fulfilled and radiant woman!
Montag 24. März 2025
Natha Yogacenter
Discover the Tantric Art of being a happy, fulfilled and radiant woman!
Tantra for Women is more than just a course...

It is an inner adventure to discover & awaken your femininity, with the guidance & support of experienced tantra teachers. It is a journey that offers you the opportunity to overcome challenges and unlock your full potential as a woman, to amplify the amazing qualities you already have and discover your unique gifts & talents. It is an approach to the tantric path made by women, for women.

"Women are divinity, women are life, women are truly jewels. Women are heaven; women are Dharma, and women are the highest penance. Women are Buddha; women are the Sangha, and women are the perfection of Wisdom." - Yoni Tantra

Unlock the Ancient Wisdom of Tantra
To connect with your inner power, sensuality and spirituality
In India, ancient feminine circles have a rich and profound history, deeply rooted in the country's cultural and spiritual background. These circles, often referred to as "satsangs," "kirtans," "mahila mandals," or "women's gatherings," have served as spaces for women to come together, share wisdom, celebrate their femininity, and support each other in various aspects of life. Women have traditionally gathered in temples to engage in rituals, discussions, storytelling, and various creative and spiritual practices.

These gatherings of women had as purpose the spiritual growth of all the women and to nurture the bonds between women within a community. Ancient feminine circles celebrated womanhood in all its facets. Through dance, music, and art, women expressed their emotions, desires, and creative energies and through tantric spiritual practices they would also awaken their consciousness and wisdom, becoming true inspiration for others.

Our Tantra for Women course brings many of these ancient tantric practices together and is designed to guide you on a journey of self-discovery and self-love, in a safe and inspiring circle of amazing women.

Everything you'll learn is practical knowledge that you can use to live life & use your feminine gifts to the fullest!


Each class is an experiential adventure into the nature of beauty, creativity, love, relationships, eroticism, spirituality, the power of femininity, how to live your full potential as a woman, and much more!

Many of us would like to have more self-confidence, more love, more beauty, more inner strength, and more enthusiasm. The magnificent truth of womanhood is - we already have these great qualities inside of us, just waiting to be revealed!
  • Introduction to Tantra: Unveiling the Sacred Feminine
  • How to fully reveal and express your feminine qualities: Cultivating Inner Freedom
  • Morning rituals and techniques for purifying the body and natural methods to increase beauty;
  • How to relax and why this is important for femininity;
  • Yoga postures specific to women for regeneration, for harmonizing emotions, and for awakening of our inner feminine power
  • Deepening Intimacy: How to improve your erotic life;
    How to develop self-confidence & unshakeable optimism;
  • Embracing Self-Love: Nurturing your Inner Goddess
  • The tantric secrets of happy and fulfilling couple relationships
  • Esoteric Astrology - from a spiritual perspective
  • Awakening the Power of the Yoni: Techniques and Inner-Attitudes
  • Awakening Sensuality: Dance, Transfiguration techniques,
  • Aphrodisiacs, Inner freedom
  • Awakening Consciousness: Learn about the Universal Principles
  • Emotional healing and forgiveness techniques

Course schedule:

Bi-weekly class in English: Mondays 19.35 - 21.35 (even weeks) with Steliana
Montag 24. März 2025, 19:35-21:35.
Entré: 299 kr/mth (discounts available)
Natha Yogacenter, Nordre Fasanvej 230, København N
Tantrafestival Copenhagen 2025 Trance-Transformation-Transcendence
5 Apr, 10:00-22:00

Tantrafestival Copenhagen 2025 Trance-Transformation-Transcendence

Explore for yourself some of the most fascinating dimensions of the tantric traditions through talks, movement, breathwork, yoga, ecstatic dance, conscious touch, sacred cacao ceremony, shows, and heartfelt social togetherness.
Samstag 5. April 2025 und Sonntag 6. April 2025
Natha Yogacenter
Explore for yourself some of the most fascinating dimensions of the tantric traditions through talks, movement, breathwork, yoga, ecstatic dance, conscious touch, sacred cacao ceremony, shows, and heartfelt social togetherness.
Awaken Your Consciousness, Master Your Energy & Set Yourself Free

Tantra is about awakening. To wake up to life and to the beauty around us. To awaken the senses and the countless facets of joy and pleasure. To awaken our consciousness in a fearless surrender to every opportunity that life throws at us. To wake up to ourselves and each other in natural heartfelt presence.

Throughout the event there will be space to eat, enjoy and laugh together; space to create trust, intimacy and loving connections; and there will be guidance for beautiful meetings and insights into Eros, relationships and love.

We will use Tantric practices such as yoga, meditation and many other techniques to make us more aware of the energies in our body, eliminate blockages, awaken our hearts and consciousness.

Staying true to genuine Tantric tradition, everything we do in this festival aims towards greater levels of Self-awareness and a deeper understanding of both ourselves and the universe.

Seek to go beyond

It is more than a vague idea. It is in our very nature and it is deeply psycho-somatic. It is engraved into our body, our nervous system, our social and biological DNA and the source field of our human experience of consciousness for millions of years.

We intuitively know that growth and new insights hide in the Great Beyond - in the abandonment of what 'we think we know' and with a fascination of what may be behind the door we just opened.

In this festival we aim to capture this vital human experience: the beneficial trance state, the experience of inner transformation, the moment of transcendence of limitations in our life.

After centuries of controversies and condemnations anthropologists are recognizing what many ancient cultures have known all along - that beneficial trance states, transformative experiences and leaps of transcendence are essential for human thriving.

We invite you to join us in our first Tantrafestival dedicated to trance, transformation and transcendence - where you will have the unique chance to explore for yourself some of the most fascinating dimensions of the tantric traditions through talks, movement, breathwork, yoga, ecstatic dance, conscious touch, sacred cacao ceremony, shows, and heartfelt social togetherness.

Brace yourself for an unforgettable and transformative weekend experience at the Tantrafestival 5 - 6 April 2025!

See the full program on our website.

Early Bird till 28/2!
Samstag 5. April 2025 und Sonntag 6. April 2025, 10:00-22:00.
Entré: 600-1200 kr
Natha Yogacenter, Nordre Fasanvej 230, København N
Tantra for Women Course
7 Apr, 19:35-21:35

Tantra for Women Course

Discover the Tantric Art of being a happy, fulfilled and radiant woman!
Montag 7. April 2025
Natha Yogacenter
Discover the Tantric Art of being a happy, fulfilled and radiant woman!
Tantra for Women is more than just a course...

It is an inner adventure to discover & awaken your femininity, with the guidance & support of experienced tantra teachers. It is a journey that offers you the opportunity to overcome challenges and unlock your full potential as a woman, to amplify the amazing qualities you already have and discover your unique gifts & talents. It is an approach to the tantric path made by women, for women.

"Women are divinity, women are life, women are truly jewels. Women are heaven; women are Dharma, and women are the highest penance. Women are Buddha; women are the Sangha, and women are the perfection of Wisdom." - Yoni Tantra

Unlock the Ancient Wisdom of Tantra
To connect with your inner power, sensuality and spirituality
In India, ancient feminine circles have a rich and profound history, deeply rooted in the country's cultural and spiritual background. These circles, often referred to as "satsangs," "kirtans," "mahila mandals," or "women's gatherings," have served as spaces for women to come together, share wisdom, celebrate their femininity, and support each other in various aspects of life. Women have traditionally gathered in temples to engage in rituals, discussions, storytelling, and various creative and spiritual practices.

These gatherings of women had as purpose the spiritual growth of all the women and to nurture the bonds between women within a community. Ancient feminine circles celebrated womanhood in all its facets. Through dance, music, and art, women expressed their emotions, desires, and creative energies and through tantric spiritual practices they would also awaken their consciousness and wisdom, becoming true inspiration for others.

Our Tantra for Women course brings many of these ancient tantric practices together and is designed to guide you on a journey of self-discovery and self-love, in a safe and inspiring circle of amazing women.

Everything you'll learn is practical knowledge that you can use to live life & use your feminine gifts to the fullest!


Each class is an experiential adventure into the nature of beauty, creativity, love, relationships, eroticism, spirituality, the power of femininity, how to live your full potential as a woman, and much more!

Many of us would like to have more self-confidence, more love, more beauty, more inner strength, and more enthusiasm. The magnificent truth of womanhood is - we already have these great qualities inside of us, just waiting to be revealed!
  • Introduction to Tantra: Unveiling the Sacred Feminine
  • How to fully reveal and express your feminine qualities: Cultivating Inner Freedom
  • Morning rituals and techniques for purifying the body and natural methods to increase beauty;
  • How to relax and why this is important for femininity;
  • Yoga postures specific to women for regeneration, for harmonizing emotions, and for awakening of our inner feminine power
  • Deepening Intimacy: How to improve your erotic life;
    How to develop self-confidence & unshakeable optimism;
  • Embracing Self-Love: Nurturing your Inner Goddess
  • The tantric secrets of happy and fulfilling couple relationships
  • Esoteric Astrology - from a spiritual perspective
  • Awakening the Power of the Yoni: Techniques and Inner-Attitudes
  • Awakening Sensuality: Dance, Transfiguration techniques,
  • Aphrodisiacs, Inner freedom
  • Awakening Consciousness: Learn about the Universal Principles
  • Emotional healing and forgiveness techniques

Course schedule:

Bi-weekly class in English: Mondays 19.35 - 21.35 (even weeks) with Steliana
Montag 7. April 2025, 19:35-21:35.
Entré: 299 kr/mth (discounts available)
Natha Yogacenter, Nordre Fasanvej 230, København N
Candlelight Couples Yoga
15 Apr, 20:00- 21:30

Candlelight Couples Yoga

Yoga for deeper connection & Intimacy We invite you to a Candlelight Couples Yoga evening! In an intimate atmosphere, discover a yoga practice that deepens the connection between you and your loved one!
Dienstag 15. April 2025
Natha Yogacenter
Yoga for deeper connection & Intimacy We invite you to a Candlelight Couples Yoga evening! In an intimate atmosphere, discover a yoga practice that deepens the connection between you and your loved one!
This unique style of yoga is practiced in pairs and has profound effects compared to individual yoga.

It is a fantastic opportunity to spend quality time together, discover each other, and create deep emotional connection.

Benefits of Couples Yoga

Improved communication: Couples yoga promotes mutual understanding through collaborative yoga postures that facilitate an energetic, mental and emotional connection

Increased intimacy: Physical and breathing practices help deepen emotional connections and harmonize certain tensions or conflicts between lovers.

Relaxation and stress reduction: Practicing yoga together in a state of empathy and attention enhances well-being, relaxes us, and opens us to each other.

Emotional support: By practicing together, the two support one another, strengthening their connection, intimacy and love.

Optimism and transformation: By practicing yoga together, we begin to perceive new qualities and extraordinary aspects in our loved ones, discovering beautiful aspects of our relationship. We perceive new nuances of the other one's personality and way of being and assimilate them in our own being

One of the most effective methods for amplifying and rekindling attraction, as well as the blossoming of emotional and spiritual intimacy in our loving relationships.

Expansion of consciousness: During the couple asanas, the two practitioners focus, in the beginning phase, on the specific circulation of energies in their own being and then gradually their consciousness expands and includes each other's being. In individual practice, we only realize our focus on the energies and the subtle energetic centers of our being.

Find common aspirations & goals for the relationship outside of the normal routine or comfort zone

Learn to understand each other: Couples yoga helps men understand emphatically the mysterious universe of women, and helps women understand emphatically the universe of men

Boost your "Happy Hormones"

Often referred to as the "love hormone", Oxytocin plays a significant role in connection, intimacy, and eroticism. When couples engage in physical touch, eye contact, and shared profound experiences, especially if they have a peaceful and conscious space where they both orient their attention towards the practice of couple asanas, oxytocin levels increase, generating intense feelings of love and affection.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that contributes to feelings of well-being and happiness. Practicing couple yoga helps enhance serotonin levels, improving our general mood and our emotional stability - important factors in an intimate loving relationship.


Each session will take 1h 30 minutes and will unfold as follows:

Short introduction to Couples Yoga & how it works
Warming up exercises
Practice of couple yoga postures (each time we will do 5-7 postures)
Profound relaxation technique
Couple exercises for increasing heart connection and mutual transfiguration

No Experience Needed

You don't need to be an expert in yoga or have flexibility; just come with an open mind and a willingness to explore!

Wear comfortable clothing and let yourself be carried away by the positive and romantic energy of this practice!
Dienstag 15. April 2025, 20:00- 21:30.
Entré: 190 kr per couple
Natha Yogacenter, Nordre Fasanvej 230, København N
Tantra for Women Course
21 Apr, 19:35-21:35

Tantra for Women Course

Discover the Tantric Art of being a happy, fulfilled and radiant woman!
Montag 21. April 2025
Natha Yogacenter
Discover the Tantric Art of being a happy, fulfilled and radiant woman!
Tantra for Women is more than just a course...

It is an inner adventure to discover & awaken your femininity, with the guidance & support of experienced tantra teachers. It is a journey that offers you the opportunity to overcome challenges and unlock your full potential as a woman, to amplify the amazing qualities you already have and discover your unique gifts & talents. It is an approach to the tantric path made by women, for women.

"Women are divinity, women are life, women are truly jewels. Women are heaven; women are Dharma, and women are the highest penance. Women are Buddha; women are the Sangha, and women are the perfection of Wisdom." - Yoni Tantra

Unlock the Ancient Wisdom of Tantra
To connect with your inner power, sensuality and spirituality
In India, ancient feminine circles have a rich and profound history, deeply rooted in the country's cultural and spiritual background. These circles, often referred to as "satsangs," "kirtans," "mahila mandals," or "women's gatherings," have served as spaces for women to come together, share wisdom, celebrate their femininity, and support each other in various aspects of life. Women have traditionally gathered in temples to engage in rituals, discussions, storytelling, and various creative and spiritual practices.

These gatherings of women had as purpose the spiritual growth of all the women and to nurture the bonds between women within a community. Ancient feminine circles celebrated womanhood in all its facets. Through dance, music, and art, women expressed their emotions, desires, and creative energies and through tantric spiritual practices they would also awaken their consciousness and wisdom, becoming true inspiration for others.

Our Tantra for Women course brings many of these ancient tantric practices together and is designed to guide you on a journey of self-discovery and self-love, in a safe and inspiring circle of amazing women.

Everything you'll learn is practical knowledge that you can use to live life & use your feminine gifts to the fullest!


Each class is an experiential adventure into the nature of beauty, creativity, love, relationships, eroticism, spirituality, the power of femininity, how to live your full potential as a woman, and much more!

Many of us would like to have more self-confidence, more love, more beauty, more inner strength, and more enthusiasm. The magnificent truth of womanhood is - we already have these great qualities inside of us, just waiting to be revealed!
  • Introduction to Tantra: Unveiling the Sacred Feminine
  • How to fully reveal and express your feminine qualities: Cultivating Inner Freedom
  • Morning rituals and techniques for purifying the body and natural methods to increase beauty;
  • How to relax and why this is important for femininity;
  • Yoga postures specific to women for regeneration, for harmonizing emotions, and for awakening of our inner feminine power
  • Deepening Intimacy: How to improve your erotic life;
    How to develop self-confidence & unshakeable optimism;
  • Embracing Self-Love: Nurturing your Inner Goddess
  • The tantric secrets of happy and fulfilling couple relationships
  • Esoteric Astrology - from a spiritual perspective
  • Awakening the Power of the Yoni: Techniques and Inner-Attitudes
  • Awakening Sensuality: Dance, Transfiguration techniques,
  • Aphrodisiacs, Inner freedom
  • Awakening Consciousness: Learn about the Universal Principles
  • Emotional healing and forgiveness techniques

Course schedule:

Bi-weekly class in English: Mondays 19.35 - 21.35 (even weeks) with Steliana
Montag 21. April 2025, 19:35-21:35.
Entré: 299 kr/mth (discounts available)
Natha Yogacenter, Nordre Fasanvej 230, København N
Bhakti Yoga Ceremony with Ceremonial Cacao: Transformation through Devotion
3 Maj, 16:30-19:30

Bhakti Yoga Ceremony with Ceremonial Cacao: Transformation through Devotion

Bhakti Yoga is the path of love and devotion. By centering in the heart and giving ourselves to a higher ideal or directly to God we become one with that we are devoted to.
Samstag 3. Mai 2025
Natha Yogacenter
Bhakti Yoga is the path of love and devotion. By centering in the heart and giving ourselves to a higher ideal or directly to God we become one with that we are devoted to.
The Bhakta channels all the feelings towards that which is truly beautiful and Godly and thus experiences an endless expansion of the consciousness through the heart.

Bhakti is the path that transcends all forms of spiritual dogmatism, it melts away any form of fanaticism. Bhakti not only opens the heart but heals as well both the body and mind. It is the supreme love relationship between the soul and its creator, God.

It is a Divine Romance of a trance-like frenetic joyous self-giving to God and the experience of God's all-encompassing absolute devotion to the individual soul that guides it into realization of oneness with God.

We will begin the evening with an introduction to the different aspects and steps of Bhakti Yoga. Thereafter we will do a ceremonial cacao workshop that will guide us into the profound mysteries of the different states of devotion.

This will be a meditative ceremony.

Please note: the sign-up deadline is Friday 2 May, in order for us to know how much cacao to prepare
Samstag 3. Mai 2025, 16:30-19:30.
Entré: 300 kr
Natha Yogacenter, Nordre Fasanvej 230, København N

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