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Drama Club - module 3 - Setting the Scene: People, Place, Problem
14 Mar, 3 mødegange kl. 19-21

Drama Club - module 3 - Setting the Scene: People, Place, Problem

Read about Drama Club and all. modules here. For. 3 weeks we will dive deep into one of the "3 P's of a Scene: People, Place, and. Problem". "People" focuses on character development, status &.
Mandag den 3. til mandag den 17. marts 2025
Read about Drama Club and all. modules here. For. 3 weeks we will dive deep into one of the "3 P's of a Scene: People, Place, and. Problem". "People" focuses on character development, status &.
Relationships, and classic character archetypes. "Place" explores spatial
awareness, object work, and using the imaginary environment as inspiration. "Problem"
emphasizes scene structure, objectives & obstacles, and the journey of
conflict resolution.

William Hightower is an American performer, director, and teaching
artist who has recently relocated to Aarhus. William is a graduate of Arizona
State University's Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts and has 15+
years of experience performing for the stage and screen, teaching acting,
directing improvisation, facilitating arts programs, narrating audiobooks, and
developing immersive performances for audiences

Hold: 25-1237C
Mandag den 3. til mandag den 17. marts 2025, 3 mødegange kl. 19-21.
Turkis, Vester Allé 15, Aarhus C